Aboriginal diabetes Initiative
What is Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative?
The Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative (ADI) program delivers a range of primary prevention, screening and treatment programs.
Overall goal of ADI:
To prevent and delay diabetes and its complications in First Nation individuals, families and communities, through healthy eating, physical activity and healthy lifestyles.
ADI objectives:
Increase awareness of diabetes, including risk factors and complications; as well as ways to prevent diabetes.
Support activities targeted at healthy eating and food security.
Increase physical activity as a healthy living practice.
Increase the early detection and screening for complications of diabetes in First Nations communities.
Increase learning capacity to prevent and manage diabetes.
The First Nation communities of West Region Treaty 2 and 4 are encouraged to develop approaches aimed at increasing community wellness and ultimately reducing the burden of type 2 diabetes.
Community activities funded through ADI vary from one community to another.
Many programs include:
walking programs & challenges,
weight-loss clubs,
diabetes workshops,
fitness classes,
cooking classes,
kids-in-the-kitchen programs,
community gardens, &
healthy school food policies.
The ADI program also supports traditional activities:
traditional food harvesting, & preparation,
dancing & traditional games.