Medical Transportation
The WRTHS Medical Transportation Program offers medical transportation services for off reserve members that reside within the vicinity of the West Region Tribal Council Region (Ebb & Flow, Gambler, Keeseekoowenin, O-Chi-Chak-Ko-Sipi, Pine Creek, Rolling River, Skownan, Tootinaowaziibeeng)
To be eligible to receive medical transportation benefits under the Non-Insured Health Benefits Program, a client must be a registered band member of any of the 8 First Nation’s as listed above:
A registered Treaty member according to the Indian Act; or
An infant up to one year old of an eligible parent; and
Currently registered or eligible for registration, under a provincial or territorial health insurance plan
Must be living off reserve within/surrounding the following cities/towns:
Alonsa, MB Amaranth, MB
Bacon Ridge, MB Benito, MB
Binscarth, MB Birtle, MB
Bowsman, MB Brandon, MB
Crane River, MB Camperville, MB
Duck Bay, MB Dauphin, MB
Ethelbert, MB Erickson, MB
Elphinstone, MB Gilbert Plains, MB
Grandview, MB Langruth, MB
McCreary, MB Minitonas, MB
Neepawa, MB Newdale, MB
Roblin, MB Rockridge, MB
Rossburn, MB Russell, MB
Shoal Lake, MB Souris, MB
Swan River, MB Ste. Rose, MB
Virden, MB Waterhen, MB
1. The WRTHS Medical Transportation Clerks will assist off reserve clients to access the following types of medically necessary health services:
A. Medical services defined as insured service by provincial health plans (e.g. appointments with physical, hospital care);
B. Diagnostic tests and medical treatments covered by provincial health plans;
C. Alcohol, solvent, drug abuse and detox treatment;
D. Traditional healers; and
E. Non-Insured Health Benefits (vision, dental, mental health)
2. The WRTHS Medical Transportation Program will not provide direct access to medical vans/vehicles to get to and from appointment. If taxi/handivan services are utilized the rate of payment is CASE BY CASE BASIS.
3. The WRTHS Medical Transportation Clerk will assist client with the following:
A. Assist client in coordinating medical appointments/verification process.
B. Assist client in payment process prior to medical appointment.
C. Ensure all forms are signed and returned to WRTHS upon completion of medical
4. The WRTHS Off Reserve Medical Transportation Program will follow the Medical Transportation Policy Framework under the Non-Insured Health Benefits Program of Indigenous Services Canada.
Hotel accommodations is provided directly from the Non-Insured Health Benefits Program at Indigenous Services Canada.
Private Accommodation: If you choose to stay at a private accommodation, or pay on your own at a hotel, you are eligible to claim the private accommodation reimbursement rate of $50.00 per night per person (including meals).
Criteria for Escorts:
Criteria for Selecting a Suitable Escort:
A family member or legal guardian who is able to sign consent and provide a patient history.
A reliable member of the community.
·An individual who is physically capable of taking care of themselves and the client and does not require assistance or an escort themselves.
An individual proficient in translating from local language to English.
Able to share personal space to support the client.
Interested in the well-being of the client.
Criteria for a Non-Medical Escort:
Physical disability which requires help with activities or daily living (walking, feeding, bathing, dressing).
Mental incompetency where legal consent or help with the activities of daily living is required.
Legal consent when the client is unable to provide this for themselves.
To accompany a minor (as determined by provincial/territorial legislation) who is accessing medically required health services.
When a language barrier exists to access medically required health services and these services are not available at the referred location.
To receive instructions on specific and essential home medical/nursing procedures.
Medical Transportation Contact Information
Dana Chartrand
Medical Transportation Clerk
Phone: (204) 622-9400
Laurel Houle
Medical Transportation Clerk
Phone: (204) 622-9400
WRTHS Fax: 204-622-9449
Medical Transportation Fax: 204-629-2352
Important Phone Numbers:
NIHB Toll Free Numbers:
1. Transportation Referral Unit (TRU)
2. Dental: 1-866-908-9320
3. Vision, Pharmacy & Medical Supplies